Trade Show Calendar
July 11-12 - Miami Valley Chapter, Dayton, OH. 40th Miami Valley Mini CANvention. Eintracht Singing Society Hall
Friday 8am to 6pm. Saturday 8am to 4pm. Contact: Rick Orderman 937-558-6993.
July 13 - Lake Erie Chapter. Brecksville OH. 29th Annual Summer Show Ottawa Points Picnic Area. 9am to 1 pm. Contact: Roger Brane 440-334-7561.
July 16-19 - ECBA 42nd Annual Convention. Sheraton Four-Points Hotel. Mars , PA Contact: Larry Handy :
July 18-19 ( DATE CHANGE) - Richbrau Chapter - Zion Crossroads Best Western. The Monticello Extravaganza ! Show details coming soon! Gonna be a biggie so mark your calendars now!
July 30- August 2 - 43rd Annual NABA Convention, Toledo, OH.
August 28-30 - BCCA CANvention 44. Dallas-Ft.Worth Airport. Contact:
For more shows in other parts of the country, visit the showtime calendar at: