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Carling Cans
( Updated February 17, 2004)
I am in the process of re-doing this page, so bear with me. Added are some pictures of Dave Suffredini's test cans, his fine bock cans, and also his 14oz. cans. Once I am finished, I hope to have all individual pics of all of our cans in a timeline as close as posible to the cronological order in which the cans were released.
I started collecting beer cans when I was 12 years old. I made extra money collecting cans for the aluminum as I just couldn't finance my lifestyle on a $5 weekly allowance! I became fascinated by how many different labels there were and began to save one of each kind I found. I remember being ecstatic when my collection topped 100 cans. Today, I have well over 3,000 cans.However, they are all boxed up as I have no room to display them. Below is a majority of my Carling Black Label can collection along with some pics of Dave Suffredini's fine collection. There are a few I am having difficulty locating. I think a few cans fell victim to the grasp of my two nephews, Tyler & Eric, when my display was up at my brother's house.
The early years......
David Suffredini's Fine Cones
The Late 1960's - Early 1970's
The 1970's
The 1980's through 2002 (The last one came out of the refrigerator to have his picture taken)
16 oz. cans
More 16 oz. cans
David Suffredini 16oz.ers
Yes Virginia, There was a 16oz. flat top map can. This one is from Baltimore.
"The Legend Is Black Series"..from Canada late 1990's
Other Canadian cans
United Kingdom
Early UK flat
The above can was issued to company employees only to commemorate the sale of Carling in the UK to Coors Brewers Ltd.
The one on the left is from South Africa. The one on the right is from Belgium
Carling Black Label Light
From one extreme to the other!!! From left to right, Carling Black Label Non-Alcoholic(less than 0.5%), Carling Black Label L.A.(Low Alcohol 2.5%) and Black Label Export Malt Liquor(6%), and Black Label 11-11 Malt Liquor(5.9%)
3.9 pint from the UK, and two more 11-11 cans
South Africa
.... more to come!
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